Paying for plastic bags

Since the publication of the “plastic limit order”, many areas have banned the use of disposable plastic bags or paid plastic bags, among which many merchants in Wuhan have accurately priced the plastic bags and rounded off the bills. However, some plastic bags have less

The development of the bill printer in the market

How is the development of the ticket printer in the market? Let's take a look at it: With the increasing demand for bill printing services in the financial, tax, postal, transportation, catering and other industries, special-purpose bill printers in various industries have become hot spots in

7 common zebra barcode printer paper measuring methods

Zebra barcode printers are favored by users for their outstanding performance and durable quality. Smyr Electronics will introduce you to the factory and paper testing of each of the seven commonly used zebra barcode printers. 1, Zebra105SL Zebra barcode printer: Shut down, press and hold the three

How to choose the right ticket printer device

With the increase of various types of document printing services in the catering, taxation, logistics, warehousing and other industries, printer manufacturers have introduced a variety of ticket printers according to different industry needs and application environments. The printer as a printer t

Bank card key knowledge series

Nowadays, the use of bank cards is very common, and it brings a lot of convenience to our lives, but you know, although bank cards are common, there are many things worth noting. If you know this correctly, you can use them safely and safely. it. The following is a series of knowledge points for ban