Cell culture, culture medium, cell growth

"Complete medium" refers to a medium that has been added with various additives and contains all the ingredients of the medium, which can meet the needs of a specific cell growth. It is usually prepared with a medium with limited ingredients. These ingredients (such as glutamine) are add

Discover the "remains" of nano-biological effects

Discover the "remains" of nano-biological effects Peroxidase is an important metalloprotease, widely used in chemical, food, pesticide, medical, environmental and industrial fields. Yan Xiyun found that peroxidase can be a better substitute-iron oxide has catalytic properties similar t

New species of rare predator found in Madagascar

According to foreign media reports, biologists of the Durell Wildlife Conservation Trust in the UK recently published a research paper saying that they have discovered a new carnivore species on the island of Madagascar. This is the first new carnivore species discovered in 24 years . This animal