Mooncake packaging in the Mid-Autumn Festival

Editor's note: “Whenever there is a bright moon, the wine asks blue sky.” In a flash, Midsummer is approaching again. This year's Mid-Autumn Festival coincided with the day when the "eleventh" was celebrated nationwide. Such a good day is truly rare! As a traditional Chinese festival, Zhong Qiu is a special day for reunion and dedication. The round moon cake is the special carrier for passion and blessings.

Therefore, in such a beautiful festival, moon cake packaging and sales has become a hot topic of concern. Therefore, we have come to pay attention to the packaging quality and design of moon cakes.

★ Moon cake packaging quality >>>>>>

Mooncakes, as a medium for emotional transmission, many people buy moon cakes in addition to their own tasting, but also for gifts, so the gorgeous, beautiful moon cake packaging has become an important means for moon cake manufacturers to attract customers to capture the market, the packaging value exceeds the value of moon cake itself The situation abounds. However, when moon cake packaging takes on the “face” function, how much does its essential function play? When the product is repeatedly reported by the quality issue, both the consumer and the manufacturer mostly look for the cause from the moon cake itself. In fact, Half of the quality of moon cakes is due to inappropriate packaging materials. I think that as the moon cake packaging material, its essential functions are threefold: First, to protect the moon cake from outside pollution; Second, to ensure that the moon cake will not oxidize deterioration; Third, to ensure that the moon cake will not be affected by mildew. Then, it is imperative to carry out relevant quality control on packaging materials.

With the promotion of the compulsory certification of the food industry, the major food factories have also mentioned quality first. Moon cakes are high-oil foods. If they are improperly treated in anti-oxidation, the moon cakes will lose their luster and even deteriorate by oxidation. The two main forms of moon cake deterioration are catastrophic failure and mildew. Therefore, the quality of good moon cake packaging is very important.

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