Interdisciplinary Research on Packaging (I)

【Abstract】According to the basic theories and methods of contemporary interdisciplinary research, this paper expounds two major issues concerning packaging that has met all the conditions of a discipline and that packaging disciplines already embody the characteristics of comprehensive disciplines in an interdisciplinary group.

1 Introduction

Is packaging a discipline? What discipline is a discipline of packaging? How does the formation of this discipline affect packaging technology and technological innovation? The theoretical system of this discipline has a guiding significance for packaging education and personnel training, especially high-level packaging personnel training? All of the above issues have always been the packaging academic and educational circles have always attached importance to, and are often discussed hot spots.

As human society crosses the 21st century, the author believes that this is precisely the time to discuss the development of the packaging discipline. Of course, packaging is a very complicated industry, and discipline construction is a very complicated task. However, all scientists believe that awareness is often raised in exploration and discussion, and conclusions are often the conditions for forming a discipline. What is it? Many scholars at home and abroad have published many articles and elaborated on various opinions. The book "Modern Interdisciplinary Science" (Liu Zhonglin) makes a fairly comprehensive summary of these opinions and puts forward a more comprehensive view. According to the content of this article, the author summarizes such six categories: category conditions, conditions of authoritativeness, systemic conditions, conditions for innovation, conditions for development and conditions for testing. If we review the brief history of modern packaging development, we will realize that the modern packaging knowledge system has basically met the six standard spare parts, thus forming a modern packaging discipline. Therefore, this is basically in line with the fact that modern packaging disciplines are still development secondary schools. Compared with developed disciplines or mature disciplines, there are still many areas that need to be improved. Now, based on the six criteria for forming a discipline, a brief, one-by-one comparison analysis of packaging disciplines is given.

2.1 Subject Category Condition

This condition indicates that a discipline has a clear research object and scope of research. The definition of packaging is different in different countries or different historical periods. With social progress and economic development, its meaning will also be expanded and extended. China has already clearly stated the definition of packaging in the national standard GB4122-83: “Packaging is the overall name of the container, material, and auxiliary material used to protect products in circulation, facilitate storage and transportation, promote sales, and adopt certain technical methods. Also refers to the use of containers, materials and aids in the process of applying certain technical methods, etc. in order to achieve the above-mentioned goals." Knowing from this definition, modern packaging actually contains two layers of meaning. If it is understood statically, packaging refers to containers. , materials, and accessories, etc., that is, products that can be provided by the packaging business sector; if dynamically understood, packaging refers to the packaging techniques, methods, and processes used to make such products. Therefore, this condition of packaging as a discipline has a clear research object and scope of research. This is no problem.

2.2 Disciplinary conditions

This condition indicates that a subject has a group of people engaged in research, communication, or educational activities, and representative works have been published. Foreign scholars believe that modern packaging began in the 1930s because it has only changed the packaging industry's use of only paper, iron, and other packaging materials. After cellophane was used as a packaging material, on the one hand, a new technology for flexible packaging was developed. On the other hand, the transparency of this material created a prerequisite for the promotion of large-scale supermarkets. However, an important feature of becoming a truly modern packaging era is the end of World War II. The most important signs are two. First, in 1944, the first time the blow molding process was used to produce polyethylene plastic film, the production efficiency was greatly improved, and the production level of the packaging industry entered a new stage. Secondly, in 1945, the American scholar KDMindlin published a famous academic paper “buffering packaging dynamics”, which laid a theoretical foundation for the design technology of transport packaging, and also created theoretical development and practical application of buffer damping packaging design in the future. The basic conditions.

With the economic recovery and development after World War II, the international packaging industry has also been able to develop rapidly. From then on, a large number of scholars and experts engaged in packaging research and packaging education emerged, and their outstanding performance and representative works emerged. In addition to the above “buffer packaging dynamics”, the chapter “Packaging Design” is specifically published in the famous “Handbook of Impact and Vibration”. In 1968, RENewton published the article "The theory and test of product crispness evaluation". The "Packaging Evaluation Method - Testing of Transport Packages" was officially published in 1974. Hanlon J. 1984 The "Packaging Engineering Handbook" edited by Dr. F. was published. During this period, many industrialized countries have formulated packaging standards, design specifications and test methods for related products based on packaging theory and technological development. In addition to transport packaging, sales packaging has gained importance in the rapid development of the market economy, and its packaging and decoration design methods and corresponding printing technologies have also been rapidly improved. Since the 1950s, countries such as the United States, Europe and Japan have published an excellent collection of works related to sales and packaging every year. With the torrents of reform and opening up, China’s modern packaging industry has achieved unprecedented achievements. Since the establishment of China Packaging Technology Association and China Packaging Corporation, China's packaging industry has shown a new trend of development. At the same time, packaging technology and education have also developed rapidly. Currently, in addition to the ministries, centers and magazines of the China Packaging Technology Association, all provinces and municipalities have packaging technology associations at all levels. In particular, according to the development of packaging science and technology education, China Packaging Association has established 25 packaging professional committees. Experts, scholars, and professors work diligently and diligently within their respective fields of expertise. They have continuously made new achievements in the field of package equipment, published a batch of effective packaging monographs and published a large number of academic papers that are highly academic. All these have played an important role in promoting the construction of packaging disciplines.

2.3 Subject system conditions

This condition indicates that a discipline has relatively independent content, principles, or laws, and there is an academic structure that is being formed or has already formed. For more than half a century, the modern packaging knowledge system has finally been formed through continuous improvement and enrichment. The packaging expertise contained in this system has unique principles and methods that form relatively independent content. The principles of transport packaging include the well-known fragility (variability) theory, damage boundary theory, static and dynamic buffer coefficient theory, packaging design five (six) footwork design theory, etc. In sales packaging, including positioning design method , Series design method, POP (product advertisement service) design method and corporate image design method, etc. As for the special technical aspects of packaging, it is more specific, for example, body packaging, blister packaging, fresh packaging, MAP/ CAP (auto-controlled air-conditioning/external controlled air-conditioning) packaging, anti-counterfeiting packaging, cushioning vibration-reducing packaging, and safety packaging for children's products.

According to the international introduction to the packaging discipline knowledge system, the author believes that this can be summarized into a

Interdisciplinary nature of the discipline system structure. That is, modern packaging disciplines include three university subjects: packaging social science, packaging science and packaging (application) technology science. Each university subject includes several branches of literature, packaging sciences include packaging management, packaging economics, packaging logistics, packaging marketing, packaging psychology, packaging marketing, packaging environment, etc.; The sub-disciplines of the Hyundai Science include packaging materials science, packaging mechanics, packaging dynamics, packaging technology, food packaging science, military packaging science and dangerous goods packaging science, etc.; Sales packaging design, packaging product testing, packaging product evaluation method, packaging process automation, packaging materials recycling technology and packaging CAD/CAM. Each branch contains a wide range of unique professional content. For example, sales packaging design will include structural design, modeling design, decoration design, trademark design, advertising design, pattern design, text design, graphic design, three-dimensional design. , color design, CI design and computer graphics design.

2.4 Discipline Innovation Conditions

This condition indicates that if a subject is a developing discipline with originality and advancement, the developed discipline is systematic and rigorous. Regardless of transport packaging or sales packaging, every packaging engineer or designer knows that "innovation is the soul of packaging." Because the market competition is very fierce, companies lacking innovation ability will disappear at the economical dance, and products without performance characteristics will be eliminated under the visual impact of shelves. For any successful packaging design project, applying advanced technology under the designer's planning and skillful writing, exerting unique artistic methods and embodying creative thinking, can make the packaging products gain market recognition. All human, social, economic, cultural, and material factors related to packaging are variables. Market demand, consumer attitudes, lifestyles, and management models are all changing. Therefore, each theoretical system embodied in packaging disciplines is changing. The general way of thinking is a principle: change - the principle of never changing in the package.

As for the forward-looking nature of the discipline, it means that the theoretical system of the discipline guides and predicts specific practices. In fact, every specific packaging product design method is formed under the guidance of a certain packaging theory. Theories in the packaging discipline not only provide many effective means and information for people to develop packaging technology and packaging industry, but also make theoretical preparations for introducing all the high technologies that can be used. The theory of packaging marketing has pointed out the direction for research and development of packaging products and materials through market prediction research. The development and formation of packaging disciplines have made the high-tech content of packaging products more and more, and new technologies, new methods, new processes, and new materials in other industries have penetrated and integrated into the packaging industry. For example, packaging materials laser cutting technology, nanotechnology composite packaging materials, liquid crystal technology ultra-high barrier flexible packaging containers, global satellite data systems, optimization of transport packaging structure design, computer simulation technology to improve the efficiency of packaging production lines and application of digital principles to make packaging and printing Reach the latest level, and so on. The forward-looking nature of this discipline fully demonstrates an inevitable trend in the development of things.

2.5 Subjective development conditions

This condition indicates that a discipline is not simply derived from high-level disciplines or similar disciplines. Its status cannot be replaced by other disciplines. It can be known from the foregoing that although packaging disciplines are still developing disciplines, they do have very clear research objects and scope. , With the principle and method of exclusive ownership, its subject content is original and forward-looking, and a large number of experts and scholars engaged in scientific research and education work emerged during the development of packaging disciplines. His books and thesis basically formed a set of systematic theoretical frameworks for packaging disciplines. Although this set of theoretical systems penetrated and integrated the principles and methods of other discipline theories, the packaging discipline is an interdisciplinary one and cannot be evolved from other high-level disciplines or adjacent disciplines. In other words, packaging cannot be replaced by any other discipline. of.

Industrial design is also a cross-discipline and the closest discipline to the packaging discipline. Can packaging disciplines be replaced by industrial design disciplines? The answer is negative. There are similarities between the two disciplines but they are fundamentally different. First of all, the object and scope of the study are different. The central issue of industrial design is a product with a certain scale, and the central issue of packaging is the protection of all products containers, materials and accessories. Second, the cultural background and historical categories in the development of disciplines are different. The development approach of industrial design is gradually moving from technical design to technical design, and then the two are merged. Their characteristics are still prominent in art; and the packaging development approach is from technology. Gradually, the main trend is toward artistic design, and then the two are merged. Their characteristics are still prominent in technology. However, with the prosperity of the market economy, the artistic characteristics of packaging are increasingly valued. Third, industrial design and packaging design are inseparable from all kinds of new materials and functional materials, but industrial design emphasizes understanding and mastering the properties of materials, so as to meet the styling requirements with the right choice; not only must the packaging understand all kinds of packaging. The performance characteristics of materials, but also know how to produce these materials, and even must