Quantitative color

For RGB color images, Photoshop assigns a pixel density value of 0 (black) to 255 (white) for each component in RGB. For example, in a bright red, it is possible that the value of R is 246, the value of G is 20, and the value of B is 50. When the values ​​of these three components are the same, the result is a gray staircase; when the values ​​of the three components are both 255, the result is pure white; when the values ​​of the three components are both 0, the result is pure black. .

In the CMYK image, each pixel is assigned a percentage corresponding to each processed ink. The brightest colors are assigned the smallest percentage of processed ink colors, while darker colors have larger percentages. For example, a bright red may contain 2% of cyan, 93% of magenta, 90% of yellow, and 0% of black. In CMYK images, when the percentages of the four constituents are 0, pure White; When the percentage of all four ingredients is 100%, you get pure black.

The entire area of ​​a color system is a color series that can be displayed and printed. The entire area of ​​the RGB color is different from the full area of ​​the CMYK color. When some colors that cannot be printed are displayed on the screen (because they exceed the full area of ​​the CMYK color), they are considered to be the colors of the "super area".

Source: PACK.CN